Love yourself and your family while living here and hereafter with knowledge
Ilmu pengetahuan ialah satu anugerah istimewa kpd manusia berbanding dgn makhluk tuhan yg lain. Cuma manusia perlu berusaha utk mendapatkannya./////// Knowledge is a special gift to human beings compared to other god creature Only humans need to work to get it.
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Friday, November 30, 2018
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Happy Birthday ; part of Human life circle
First human born and we greet with Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happu Birthday.
Life always beautiful.
We always forgot where we are coming from
God give a chance while we alive to search a knowledge, be a good person and hope god guide us and we live peace here in this world and hereafter (after death)
Our parent hope we will become a good person.
Within a time always move
we always forgot, ignore , don't care about what we do everyday.
We always forgot about good or bad, truth or wrong, know or don't know, life and death, heaven and hell.
Just to think and noted to all reader and to me also
Friday, November 23, 2018
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Saturday, November 17, 2018
One draft- behind the glass wall
One sketch, one image, nowhere, somewhere in side imagination.
Our dream , our sleep, and we don't have imagination someday when we die.
Monday, November 12, 2018
Cara nak kuruskan badan supaya kelihatan cantik
Di ruangan blog saya pada kali ini, saya ingin menceritakan perihal cara, langkah nak kuruskan badan selepas gemuk, kerana gemuk tak cantik , tidak kelihatan menarik terutamanya bagi kaum wanita.
Semua ini bertitik tolak kerana sifat manusia yang suka kepada cantik.
Bagi yang menjaga ketrampilan, juga yang mementingkan kesihatan, ramai yang tidak berpuas hati apabila badan gemuk, setiap hari meniliik, tengok badan di cermin , setiap hari timbang berat badan, setiap hari rasa tak puas hati perut naik semakin buncit, pipi muka tembam, badan tak slim
"Aduh sakit hatinya."
cuba tekan-tekan, penyet-penyet perut dengan tangan sendiri tak kurus juga dan ianya tak semudah itu nak bagi tubuh kembali kurus seperti yang diinginkan.
Kata mereka yang gemuk ; Alahai , tak keluar rumah dah aku selepas ini, malu kepada orang di luar sana kerana gemuk, sudah tak cantik lagi, makin buncitlah perut agaknya kalau macam ni .
Sebenarnya kita tidak boleh bersikap seperti ini, mudah berputus asa dengan membiarkan diri kita merasa tidak selesa dengan tubuh yang gemuk .
Pentingnya untuk menjaga tubuh kita dari menjadi lebih gemuk hingga tak terkawal, sehingga mencapai ke tahap obesiti. Pengawalan ini penting demi kebaikan kesihatan kita juga.
Jika kita membiarkan diri kita gemuk hingga ke obesiti, kita juga yang akan menanggung sakitnya nanti. Peringkat gemuk hingga obesiti ini amat bahaya, ia umpama badan kita seperti belon yang ditiupkan , masuk angin dalam belon hingga semakin membesar dan membesar sehingga belon itu pecah.
Begitulah juga dengan keadaan tubuh kita, jika dibiarkan semakin membesar boleh memudaratkan organ penting dalam tubuh kita hingga ianya rosak, pecah.
Contohnya sakit kencing manis, pada asalnya kebanyakan pesakit kencing manis adalah terdiri darj mereka yang gemuk, sehinggalah organ pankreas yang mengeluarkan insulin itu rosak maka tubuh pun tiba-tiba bertukar menjadi kurus.
Dari sudut kesihatan, gemuk, obesiti ini tidak baik untuk manusia.Ikhtiar untuk menjadi kurus dengan cara yang betul adalah jalan terbaik agar kita dapat menjalan hidup ini dengan lebih bahagia.
Sememangnya tubuh yang gemuk menimbulkan rasa tidak puas hati kerana tidak cantik, tak selesa mungkin juga kita yang pada sebelum ini dikenali oleh kawan taulan kita dengan tubuh, badan yang kurus.
Manakala trend di era millenium pada masa kini masyarakt dunia sifat, perangai serta tabiatnya telah berubah .
Berubah yang berkaitan dengan pemakanan, makanan yang dijual, cara makan sudah berubah.
Kalau orang tua dahulunya tidak ada ubat,. pil-pil kurus yang boleh dibeli dengan mudah , orang dulu-dulu cuma ada ulam-ulaman, sayur-sayuran segar sahaja untuk diamalkan sebagai sumber serat bagi menguruskan badan.
Pada zaman sekarang style, cara pemakanan sudah berubah
Ada yang kata ; Makan banyak-banyak masa kita ada selera ni, bila sakit dan hilang selera makan, dah tak boleh makan lagi, tambahan pula hidup di zaman sekarang yang senang diperolehi makanan yang sedap-sedap, janji ada duit.
Jika makan tak control, tak berjaga-jaga, makan ikut sedap mulut je dan apabila dah rasa diri sudah gemuk maka saat itu barulah mulai cari herba, ubat , pil untuk kuruskan badan.
Pelbagai jenama, jenis pil kurus yang ada di pasaran.
Bebas untuk dipilih, dibeli mengikut citarasa, kesesuaian dan keberkesanannya. Sesetengahnya membeli produk kurus, langsingkan badan ini tanpa memikirkan kepada kesan sampingan yang akan timbul selepas mengamalkannya , asalkan tubuh badan cantik dan kurus
.Jika makan tak dijaga, satu hari bila seluar , baju dah tak muat untuk dipakai, terpaksa beli seluar saiz yang lebih besar, pada masa itulah mula tengok cermin, lihat body dah tak slim lagj.
"Omak gemuk dah rupanya saya , kata seorang kenalan yang perasan dia dah gemuk"
"Mak dia pun jawab ; emak pun tak dapat nolong nyer"
Itulah menunjukkan walaupun emak kita masak sedap banyak hidangan lazat, tapi bila tubuh dah naik, gemuk hingga malu nak keluar rumah , jawapan mak kita pun sebegitulah semuanya atas diri sendiri juga untuk cuba mengurangkan berat badan.
Oleh kerana itu langkah awal perlu kita amalkan bukan kerana mahu kurus untuk kelihatan cantik, tetapi kurus juga untuk kesihatan yang baik.
Di antara langkah-langkah baik untuk diamalkan ialah ;
Aktifkan diri, ringan tulang menolong orang lain, banyakkan pergeraksn badan dengan menganggap sebagai ianya sebahagian dari senaman untuk menguruskan badan. Tak rugi, sambil dapat pahala menolong orang lain boleh juga manafaat kepada kita . Di antara rutin harian yang boleh diamalkan yang juga dianggap senaman untuk menguruskan adan ialah ;
1. Jika kita seorang perempuan tu rajin-rajinlah memasak, mengemas rumah, buat kerja-kerja menanam bunga di luar rumah.
2. Jika kita seorang lelaki atau sudah bergelar suami,rajin-rajinlah membantu isteri menjaga anak, memasak, mengemas rumah. Fikirkan ia salah bentuk senaman agar kita lebih bertenaga, sihat dan tidak gemuk.
3.Jika kita memiliki kereta jangan basuh kereta di kedai kereta, basuh sendiri di samping boleh jimat duit.-jika ada masa lapang
4. Lepas tu jika kita nak kurus , tapi tak nak bangun,
Contohnya nak buka tv janganlah buka dengan remote control bangun cubalah buka dengan tangan.
Kalau nak minum air jangan beli air kotak atau dalam botol yg siap dijual di kedai.
Tapi buatlah sendiri air minuman di rumah, sambil jaga kesihatan dah tentu juga minuman itu selamat, bersih diminum juga merupakan satu bentuk senaman ringkas.
Lepas tu nak kurus, tapi tak nak bangun.
Nak kurus, tapi tak nak bergerak , satu prinsip atau amalan yang seboleh-bolehnya dielakkan
5. Tips lain yang biasa doktor perubatan sarankan banyakkan makan sayur- sayuran serta buah-buahan kerana ianya mengandungi serat fibre yang tinggi yang mempercepatkan rasa kenyang. juga melawaskan perut kita.
Amalan memakan oat juga baik untuk kesihatan kerana kandungan serat, fibre dalam oat yang tinggi.
6. Tips lain , kurangkan makan dengan berpuasa sunat kerana ada hadis menyatakan makan bila lapar dan berhenti makan sebelum kenyang
7. Satu lagi tips yanvi saya sendiri amalkan ialah meminum air panas yang direndam dengan biji halba atau dalam bahasa inggeris halna ini dipanggil dengan nama "fenugreek"
Cubalah beberapa tips untuk kuruskan badan dengan pelbagai cara seperti yang dinyatakan tanpa memakan pil , ubat kurus, mudah-mudahan berjaya dan bermanafaat.
Sunday, November 11, 2018
This opportunity in conjunction with my 191th publication of my post to my blog, this I want to show a twist. This time I want to tell about beautiful. Just say beautiful words, there must be some glamorous, excited or turn towards and see the beautiful that is revealed. The language is written with a simple spelling of BEAUTIFUL
All human beings create by God want to look beautiful, beautiful in appearance, beautiful body or beautiful in terms of their usage and their perceptions.
We want to look beautiful on what we wear, especially women who want to look more beautiful and attractive by wearing silk clothes, wearing gold chain, diamonds or even
Beautiful in my story here is about beautiful as we humans. Explain that about human who wants to look beautiful and explains human who loves to see the beautiful things. For example if he or she is fat, not beautiful, if skinny, beautiful.If he/she is acne is not beautiful, if the skin look smooth beautiful .If he/she does not have a tooth is not beautiful, if he/she have a white teeth beautiful.
The story of beautiful article can be very much elaborated and if it is to be elaborated it can reach up to hundreds of pages of its length and perhaps this beautiful book is already sold in the market. But its relied heavily on the writers' own efforts to write long, day and night telling about beautiful story.
Beautiful can be seen from another angle of beautiful like language that we speak daily, say or we write with good language include we can read a beautiful story through the order of the sentence of his story.
Beautiful from another angle is seen in the beauty of a car, a beautiful flower blossom and other beautiful things that are in the virtual world of the creators. God.
But this article explains how beautiful humans are, including us who are reading this article.
Are you sure you are beautiful? or you're just joking, pretty, beautiful much needs to be measured by others who see it. It's not that we say we are beautiful and self-shocking, and that's what's called not a real beauty.
With respect also, some say that beautiful is subjective, no measure is according to the eyes of each.who see it.
With regard to one beautiful woman as a sample, if a lot of people say she is beautiful or the majority of the 10 people who are asked whether she is beautiful or not and seven or more people say she is beautiful, she is really beautiful.
About this beautiful we see only the appearance and physical appearance only if we do not recognize it.
The proverb state that's if we do not know then we do not love. There are those who are beautiful but morals in it not, there are those who are not beautiful but good manners.
There are those who are less beautiful but there is something in her that is not owned by others that causes a handful of people to put their hearts in interest.
With regard to the proverbial proverb statement we can see a example as like if we do not know what is the durians or others people who never eat durian then they will see the durian , they know durian only in terms of its prickly, hard and not beautiful appearance, but when packed and tasted the contents of the durian, it tastes good.
That is the one sample about the proverb an unknown term then it is not love. When we know what the durian fruit we know it is a very good fruit eaten.
The important thing here is to know the person or the thing first, then we know the advantages and disadvantages. Not just looking at the beautiful ones.
In the Islamic religion, the hadith of the Holy Prophet states that if you want to choose the mate, choose the beautiful of her, her offspring, her wealth, her religion, but most of all you are married because of your religion (good manner) because you will not lose or regret later.
God's Word; Indeed, human is the best creation of all things,(Beautiful) Compared to the creation of another thing, looks just form like face of ants as it seems same to be with other ants,
like face of the elephant with long nose with anx every elephant has the same nose, same face shape as their fellow. Look , If the tree it have the same structure, if the fish it have the same shape and its head is big.
While the special about human being is he/she was create by god with various of form of perfection. The human being is create by god with various form of beauty, Human being have various form of appearance either from their face appearance or physical appearance
Beautiful is a gift from god and god give many special thing to human .Human with brain and knowledge, human will know the truth and wrong about life.
if someone want sucess in life here , must have a knowledge and if someone want sucess life after death, (hereafter) also he must have a knowledge.
Think about it, think about nature, think about ourself
Friday, November 9, 2018
Mata -kurniaan tuhan
Satu kurnia dari tuhan untuk manusia dan makhluk lainnya ialah dua mata. Dengan mata, cahaya dapat masuk ke tubuh kita dan kita dapat melihat segalanya.
Pacaindera dua mata adalah kurniaan tuhan yang paling hampir dengan otak kita.
Cahaya datang melalui dua mata , dua lubang kecil yang diberikan Tuhan untuk melihat penciptaannya dan berfikir, memerhatikan dengan akal , dua mata yang hanya mempunyai dua lubang kecil untuk melihat , bahkan kita tidak dapatpun melihat di belakang diri kita sendiri
Penemuan yang luar biasa Ianya bukan sahaja berkenaan lubang hitam (black hole) yang diam-diam bersembunyi di alam semesta dan bahawa manusia sentiasa berfikir dan mencari kehebatan alam ini.
Tetapi semua rahsia bersembunyi tentang pengetahuan yang luar biasa ada di dalam diri kita. Mengenai dua mata kecil, dua lubang mata kecil yang mengarah ke otak kita dan dengan hadiah tuhan ini kepada kita, kita dapat melihat lubang hitam (black hole) yang manusia selalu membicarakan tentang keajaibannya.
(Malaikat itu diciptakan dari cahaya yang itulah juga sebabnya kita dapat melihat, cahaya dapat menebus pergi ke mata kita dan dengan cahaya kita dapat melihat semua keindahan penciptaan tuhan)
tips untuk menjaga mata supaya sentiasa sihat dan cerah ialah selalulah memberus gigi.
Two small Eyes - A gift
A gift from god for human and other creature is two eyes .With eye, light can enter to our body and we can see .
Two eyes is a gift that's too near with our brain.
Light is coming through our two eyes, two small hole that god gift to us to see his creation and . We just have two small hole to see....even cannot see behind ourself
The incredible knowledge about black hole secretly hide in the universe th
But all hiding incredible knowledge, is inside ourself we must know about ourself . About our two small eyes, two small tiny holes eyes that direct to our brain and with this god gift to us we can see a black hole thats human always talk about its amazing.
( Angel is made from. light that is why we can see, Light. can run, go through. to our eyes and with lighr we can see all beautiful god creation)
One tips to take care our eyes is always brush our teeth (brush a teeth 3 to 5 time daily)
Aslkm dan salam sejahtera
Di kesempatan ini bersempena penerbitan saya yang ke 190 ini ingin saya tampil satu kelainan. Pada kali ini saya ingin menceritakan perihal kecantikan. Sebut sahaja perkataan cantik, pasti ada yang tergamam, teruja atau berpaling ke arah kecantikan yang diungkapkan .Secara bahasa ianya ditulis dengan ejaan ringkas C A N T I K.
Semua makhluk tuhan yang bergelar manusia ingin kelihatan cantik, samada cantik dari segi rupa-paras, cantik tubuh badan ataupun cantik dari segi pemakaian serta ketermpilannya.
Kita ingin kelihatan cantik pada apa yang kita pakai, terutamanya kaum wanita yang ingin nampak lebih cantik dan menarik dengan memakai pakaian sutera , memakai rantai emas, berlian ataupun bersolek
Cantik pada penceritaan saya di sini ialah cantik yang berkenaan kita sebagai manusia. Menerangkan manusia yang ingin kelihatan cantik dan menerangkan manusia itu juga yang suka melihat perkara yang cantik-cantik. Contohnya Jika si dia gemuk , tak cantik, jika kurus, cantik.Jika si dia berjerawat tak cantik , jika rupa kulit licin cantik.Jika si dia tiada gigi tak cantik, jika ada gigi dan gigi putih cantik.
Bercerita pasal cantik ini memang banyak boleh dihuraikan dan jika nak dihuraikan memang ia boleh mencecah hingga beratus~ratus muka surat panjangnya dan mungkin buku berkaitan cantik ini sudah ada dijual di pasaran. Namun ia amatlah bergantung kepada usaha si penulis itu sendiri sanggup untuk menulis dengan panjang , siang malam bercerita pasal cantik .
Cantik mungkin boleh dilihat dari sudut yang lain iaitu cantiknya bahasa yang kita tuturkan, ucapkan atau kita tulis dengan bahasa yang baik juga cantik melalui susunan ayat penceritaannya. Cantik dari sudut lain pula dilihat pada cantiknya sebuah kereta, cantiknya sekuntum bunga dan lain-lain perkara cantik yang ada di alam maya milik tuhan pencipta keseluruahan alam semesta yang luas ini.
Namun pada artikel ini menerangkan tentang cantik manusia, termasuklah kita yang sedang membaca artikel ini.
Adakah anda yakin anda cantik? atau anda cuma perasan je, cantik perlu diukur oleh orang lain yang melihatnya. Bukan kita kata kita cantik dan syok sendiri., dan itulah yang dinamakan perasan cantik sebenarnya.
Berkenaan cantik juga, ada yang mengatakan cantik itu bersifat subjektif , tiada ukuran ianya mengikut pada pandangan mata masing-masing.
Berkaitan cantiknya manusia ini jika sebilangan besar menyatakan si dia cantik ataupun majoriti daripada 10 orang yg ditanya adakah si dia itu cantik dan seramai 7 orang ataupun lebih menyatakan si dia cantik, maka beliau memang benar-benar cantik.
Perihal cantik ini kita hanya nampak sekali pandang pada luaran rupa serta fizikalnya sahaja jika kita tak mengenalinya.
Pepatah ada mengatakan tak kenal maka tak cinta. Ada mereka yang.cantik namun akhlak di dalamnya tidak, ada mereka yang tak cantik namun akhlaknya baik.
Ada mereka yang kurang cantik namun ada sesuatu yang ada pada dia yang tidak dimiliki oleh orang lain yang menyebabkan segelintir manusia menaruh hati , minat kepadanya.
Berkaitan pepatah tak kenal maka tak cinta ini kita boleh ambil contoh, jika kita tak kenal apa itu buah durian ataupun orang luar negara, orang putih yang tak pernah makan durian maka mereka akan melihat buah durian itu dari segi luarannya berduri, keras dan tak cantik , namun bila dikopek dan dirasai isi durian tersebut , rasanya enak.
Itulah perumpamaan istilah tak kenal maka tak cinta. Bila kita sudah kenal apa itu buah durian baru kita tahu bahawa ia merupakab buah yang sangat enak dimakan.
Yang penting di sini ialah kjta kenal dahulu seseorang itu atau benda itu, maka baru kita tahu akan kebaikan dan keburukannya. Bukan hanya melihat pada cantiknya sahaja.
Di dalam agama islam, hadis nabi ada menyatakan jika hendak memilih jodoh itu pilihlah pada rupa kecantikannya, keturunannya, kekayaannya, agamanya namun yang paling utama nikahilah kerana agamanya (akhlaknya) kerana kelak kamu tidak rugi.
Firman tuhan ; Sesungguhnya manusia itu adalah sebaik-baik kejadian ( Cantik)
Berbanding dengan ciptaan tuhan yang lainnya kelihatan sama sahaja rupa mukanya seperti semut sama sahaja rupanya dengan semut yang lain, kalau gajah dengan hidung yang dimiliki gajah belalai panjang sama sahaja rupa sesama mereka.Kalau pokok sama juga begitulah bentuk strukturnya, jika ikan sama sahaja bentuknya dan kepalanya sahaja yang nampak jelas fungsinya.
Manakala manusia istimewanya dia dijadikan tuhan dengan pelbagai bentuk kesempurnaan. Manusia itu dijadikan tuhan dengan pelbagai bentuk kecantikan , manusia ada pelbagai jenis macam rupa bentuk samada dari rupa parasnya atau fizikalnya.
Cantik itu anugerah tuhan dan bersyukurlah kepada tuhan kerana kita dijadikan sebagai manusia, masih hidup lagi di sini , masih sempat dan berpeluang lagi untuk menuntut ilmu dan mencari kebenaran agar berjaya hidup di dunia dan berjaya hidup di akhirat (sesudah mati)
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Cara-cara untuk jimatkan tenaga bateri handphone/tel bimbit
Aslkm dan salam sejahtera
Di sini saya nak berikan panduan kepada pengguna telefon bimbit cara-cara, tips untuk jimatkan bateri tel bimbit dari cepat habis, juga untuk beri jangkahayat tel bimbit tahan lebih lama.
Bagi tel bimbit, smartphone yang berada di pasaran pada masa sekarang kebanyakannya menggunakan model atau jenis bateri tel yg tidak boleh alih (build in battery)
Pertama sekali sebelum kita lihat pada tips penggunaan tel bimbit kita, cubalah kita cari , beli tel bimbit , smartphone yang menggunakan kapasiti bateri yg besar iaitu seperti bateri berkapasiti 4000 mAh hingga 5000 mAh. Tel yang terdahulu kebanyakannya hanya menggunakan 3000 mAh sahaja.
Berikut ialah di antara 15 tips penjimatan kuasa bateri semasa kita menggunakan tel bimbit, smart phone.
1. Kurangkan penggunaan video, you tube. dan jika kita tidak menngunakan internet tutupkan internet network ( turn off)
2.Kurangkan penggunaan aplikasi-aplikasi tel seperti game , widget dsbnya , buangkan (remove) dari tel. ( applikasi seperti clean master jika noleh buangkan dari tel atau disablekannya)
3. Kurangkan pencerahan (brightness) cahaya paparan skrin tel atau guna automatik pencerahan (brightness)
4. Jangan charge tel bimbit sebelum.kita tidur dan kita tinggalkannya semalaman dan dibiarkan charge sehingga keesokan pagi , perbuatan kita ini mengundang untuk lebih merosakkan bateri tel Tel bimbut yang cepat habis bateri akan tak bermakna kepada pennguna yang menggunakan servis talian yang data yang tak terhad (unlimited data)
5. Guna mod tel yang menjimatkan power bateri ianya berbeza mengikut jenis tel (contohnya spt super power saving mod )
6. Pastikan tutup semua applikasi yang kita tidak digunakan spt wifi, bluetooth, location , radio off, GPS ( antara penyebab utama kuasa bateri lemah)
(semasa charge tel,tutup (turn off) juga network, internet untuk mempercepatkan kuasa bateri masuk ke tel , tiada gangguan)
7. Jangan guna background wallpaper yg bergerak (live wallpaper) seperti wallpaper ikan aquarium
8. Update aplikasi tel bimbit akan lebih menjimatkan kuasa bateri tel
9. Jika mahu download, upload dan sync hanya menggunakan Wifi , panggunaan Wifi lebih menjimatkan bateri daripada menggunakan 4G/3G
10. Pendekkan masa untuk skrin layar tel bimbit cerah, terbuka, (adjust setting tel) biarkan paparan skrin tel cepat padam bila kita tak menggunakannya. Buka 'display setting' guna setting sleep ikut masa pendek yg dikehendaki spt 30:saat,1 minit dsbnya.
11. Tutupkan penggunaan aplikasi gegaran untuk tel (vibrate)
12.Kurangkan penggunaan bunyi atau tutupkan bunyi untuk notification, bunyi masa kita menaip dsbnya.
14. Biarkan tel kita sentiasa di dalam keadaan sejuk dingin.
Jika kita dapati suhu tel kita panas ianya akan mempercepatkan susutnya kuasa bateri atau jika kita sentuh di belakang tel dan mendapati ianya panas maka jangan biarkan ia berterusan panas seeloknya cepat-cepatlah lah letakkannya di tempat sejuk spt di bawah kipas, aircond dsb .
15. Biarkan sekali sekala tel kita dalam keadaan power off, atau charge dalam keadaan power off (skrim terpadam, gelap) iaitu bukan dalam keadaan paparan skrin terbuka, cerah. bagi menjaga hayat bateri tel
Inilah serba sedikit tips berguna untuk kita memanjangkan tempoh masa bateri telefon bimbit yang kita gunakan.Mudah-mudahan tips-tips ini dapat memberi manafaat kepada semua.
How to save your mobile phone battery
Aslkm and good wishes
Here I want to give a guide to mobile phone users the tips, tips for saving the mobile phone battery from a fast expire,as well as to provide long lasting cell phones.
For mobile phones, new smartphones user, out in the market today are mostly using a model or type of non-removable battery (build in battery)
First of all, let's look at our mobile phone tips buying. User must try searching for mobile phones, smartphones that use large battery capacity such as 4000 mAh battery capacity up to 5000 mAh. Earlier phones mostly use only 3000 mAh
Tips on saving battery power when we use mobile phones, smart phones.
1. Reduce the use of video, you tube. and if we do not use internet shut down internet network (turn off)
2. Reduce the use of mobile phone applications such as games, widgets etc., remove from tel. (application such as clean master try turn off or remove or disable from phone)
3. Reduce the brightness of the mobile phone light screen display or use the automatic of brightness setting
4. Do not charge mobile phone before we sleep and we leave it overnight and be left charge until the next morning, our act is inviting to further damage the battery mobile phone and If our battery phone weak, it will be meaningless to users who use unlimited data line services (unlimited data)
5. Use the mobile phone mode that saves battery power is different according to the type of mobile phons (eg super power saving mode)
6. Make sure to close all applications we did not use such as wifi, bluetooth, location, radio off, GPS (amongst the primary causes of low battery power)
(at the time of charge mobile phone turn off also the internet network to speed up the battery power into the mobile phone, no interruptions)
7. Do not use live wallpaper such as aquarium fish wallpaper
8. Update mobile application will save more battery power mobile phone
9. If you want to download, upload and sync just use Wifi, Wifi usage is more battery saving than using 4G / 3G
10. Shorten the time for the open, mobile phone screen (use setting mobile phone) let the phone screen expire quickly when we do not use it.
Open the setting display for short time setting , short sleep setting as 30: seconds, 1 minute etc.
11. Close the use of vibration applications for mobile phone
12. Reduce the use of sound or close the sound for notification, the sound of the time we typed it etc.
14. Let us work in cool condition.
If we think our heat will accelerate the decrease of battery power or if we touch behind the mobile phone and find it hot then do not let it continue to heat it so fast it put it in a cool place like fan, aircond etc.
15. Once in a while let it be our mobile phone power off mode oe charge battery during power off mode to take care of our battery life
Here are a few helpful tips for us extending the battery life of the mobile phones we use that I can share with users out there.Hopefully these tips will benefit everyone.
How to cure constipation
Peace be upon you
Did you know that, if we had difficulties in urinating, it showed us signs that we had constipation and would likely have hemorrhoid pain.
This constipation occurs when a hard stool is very difficult to get out and painful to feel when we defecate.
This feeling pain is make more pain until the blood out. So I try to treat medicine traditionally by drinking gamat. Gamat water or gamat tonic is easily available in supermarkets and pharmacies in malaysia.
After I drank and practiced drinking this, blood from the constipation pain easily disappeared, no more blood from the anus.
In addition, medical doctors also advise me to practice eat many fruits and vegetables (fiber) to avoid constipation or to avoid piles of diseases
I consume the fruits and vegetables I have practiced and multiplied in my daily diet. These fruits and vegetables are fibers that can ease the stomach and facilitate the digestive tract in the body.
In conclusion there are other alternatives to treating this constipation, like drinking gamat water.
Well, I hope this article can benefit others outhere
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Penawar sakit batuk secara semulajadi
Di dalam keluarga saya jika anak perempuan saya mendapat batuk, cara mudah untuk menyembuhkan adalah kita mencampur kicap dengan buah limau, oren atau lemon.
Gunakan 1 biji limau meletakkannya dengan 3 sudu soy souce manis campurkannya dengan air suam dalam gelas.
berikan kepada anak sedikit demi sedikit, gunakan jarum suntik , picargqri untuk memudah anak menelannya.
Sekiranya masih tidak berfungsi, cuba minum madu dengan susu atau madu dengan oren, limau campur dgn air suam
Jika anak saya mendapat batuk adalah lebih baik memilih madu yang dalam kiub atau bentuk padat pepejal, yang bukan madu cair.
Madu bentuk padat atau madu bentuk pepejal ini kita boleh mendapatkannya dari madu yang telah bercampur dengan makanan.
Sesungguhnya kita dapat melihat madu pepejal atau kiub jika ianya kita makan, .ianya akan mudah melenyapkan, membersihkan debu atau bakteria yang melekat di dalam tekak kita yang membuat batuk tidak berhenti. Batuk yang berterusan boleh menyebabkan kita tidak dapat tidur.
Cubalah dan dapat lihat yang perbezaannya
Salah satu cara alternatif menyembuhkan sakit kita secara semula jadi ..
Treating painful itchy-eczema
Eczema treatment naturally
Eczema or skin itching is one of the few skin diseases suffered by some people in the world regardless of old, young, young children etc. The antidote, the true healing healer has not yet been found
Doctors will usually give a sweeper, antibiotics and ask to avoid eating food that causes allergic itching. These eczema patients suffering from itching or child-borne children will feel stress, pain due to severe itching that can cause bleeding to emphasize mental and physical stress.
This story I explain to my own experience as a father who has a child with eczema itchy pain.
My daughter's eldest son was born from this illness so that there was pus out of his skin itchy bumps, and my little kid who did not know anything until his skin itching could cause bleeding and painful sores when it hit the water.
I have done a lot of work including going to a specialist clinic stating the cause of allergies by giving a sweeper. Similarly, treatment at government hospitals also provide sweepstakes. But it does not work. Doctors say that when this child grows up naturally its body's antibodies will increase strongly and will endeavor to fight this eczema itching pain.
But we as his parents are unable to see the child's pain and bear the same, swirling eyes at the time of service serving the kid who scratched the skin itchy when the other orgasms are restful sleep.
Traditional medicine is also done by drinking herbal water given by traditional herbal medicine practitioners. The old people would usually say that the young boy who had itchy skin was signaling a kenan pain. Usually there is a lump in the back of the baby's neck that needs to be adjusted to relax the bump so it can eliminate itching.
In a nutshell my 5-year-old son is getting healthier, if it's just a scratch to scratch, it's not bloody and in the evenings my son can sleep well.
Well, it does not matter, just the small seeds that are common to the side of the joint. But if my child is sweating it still scratches, it's just not going to bloody stages.
The secret of the cure is olive.
In the al-quran there is a sura' mentioning this olive fruit with cans. (fig fruit)
Confidence in olives and its efficacy and patience awaits the result of my son's eczema pain relief from the use of olive oil
With the addition of Nigella Sativa / Habatussauda (fresh boiled water in baby milk)
Be assured that the child will be healthier, do it continuously, insyallah healthy
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Sketch me inside
Day by day we live here in this world and we still alive till today and then all of us that's live in peace still can see a beautiful thing, a uniq thing, different creation in this world.
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Cure for Eczema (skin sickness , itchy), Penawar untuk sakit kulit ekzema
Eczema one of skin disease, itchy skin, sickness that is difficult to cure .
My opinion, my sugesstion if we want cure or reduce sick of this skin problem eczema (itchy) in natural way is try it with olive oil , honey and nigella sativa ( habatus sauda)
For our child or baby age below 7 years old try mix olive oil with honey ( honey use only half of table spoon or less cause honey iz can make we pr our baby feel hot if we consume excessive amount) put it into our baby milk (use only 1 tea spoon honey or half cause if we use more maybe our child do not want drink a milk cause its taste)
After that, for our baby next milk we mix with honey and nigella sativa ( habatusauda) nigella stiva mix with hot water) then pour it into baby milk
Do it regularly and be confident that olive and nagella sativa can cure our baby or our skin problem , eczema ( itchy that can cause bloody skin)
If our baby skin foot already bloody use lotion that clinical suggest. lotion can fast reduce ithchy sick from eczema
Try it with natural way and see a different.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Cure for cannot sleep, insomnia. / Penawar kpd tidak boleh tidur
if you can't sleep and you worry you must go to work tomorrow , try take honey (mix with warm water and drink it) for easy you got rest and sleep but ...
we must know that's sleep is one of. human weakness .
so we must think who is the greatest of all the creature.
Monday, October 22, 2018
Natural cure for cough , Ubat semulajadi untuk batuk
in my family if my daughter got a cough, a simple way to cure is we mix a soy sauce with lime fruit, oranges or lemon.
use 1 lemon fruit put it with 3 spoon sweet soy souce mix it with warm water in a glass.
give it to our child little by little , use syringe easy our child consume it
If it still not working, try drink honey with milk or honey with orange, lemon or lime.
if my daughter got cough i better prefer honey that in cube or solid shape ones not liquid honey.
Solid or cube shape honey we can get it from honey that is mix with food.
Truly we can see solid or cube honey if we eat, .its easy to vanish, clear our dust. or bacteria that is stick inside our throat that's make our cough don't stop , heal even its make we cannot sleep .
Just try it and can see a different..
Cure our sick with natural way..
Benefit from bitter taste as like bittergourd fruit, pomegranate peel, lime peel
Try to cure our sickness with multi taste of bitter fruit as like as bitterguard, pomegranate peel, lemon, orange peel or else.
We can feel a different after we consume it everyday and put it as a must food intake in our life
Clinical medicine, pill, panadol others, is create to be, have a bitter taste.
In our life we usually eat a sweet food , sweet sour food, salty food , why not we also take , eat, consume a bitter taste from fruit ( fruits exactly safe to eat)
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Friday, October 19, 2018
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Micheal Jackson sketch
We come we gone
We alive we die
Don't think we will live here forever
We are same will die, someday include me
Also We see even ones very popular people likes MJ also die.
Monday, October 15, 2018
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Give to poor for thankful , donate for our peace
Do donate our wealth, money if we have extra, richman to our neighbour, famjly live around us.
Cause they also that"s our life be mean, rich.
They do a planting our food, they do fishing, get a food for us but their income l not much as a richman.
We rich because our people around us support us.
So donate it to poor people for our peace life society (its about zakat ), for our village, for our district, for our state, for our country, for our region for live a peace in this world
Friday, August 24, 2018
Nature Paint
INature and others living thing in this world also alive, which do not a sound to speak using a language like human create by god.
Others living thing also alive always jealousy whats hhman have but they didn't have
and some living thing like flower say ;.....
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Benefit of Pumpkin fruit One of Super food-good for our health/ Labu
Pumpkin have many benefit for human health and its easy to grow, but for some people try to ignore thd truth benefit about this superfood
its good for our brain
Monday, August 20, 2018
Monday, August 6, 2018
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Trap at Mysterious place-image
Hello (someine in the picture say), anybody here ? looks like this place is too silent, is it something wrong with this place?
Or where i'am or i'm dreaming?,
Please let me out of here, where human? where everyone? nobody here?
so if we trap in this situation inside this place occur when we sleep, dream , what will we do ? can we imagine ? no way out from this nightmare dream,
Or maybe someone. sick lay in bed in coma example maybe for one month and having dream trap like this.
Maybe someone have an experience in different situation, differrent way trap like this.
, so may we as a weak creature must pray and hi ope help from.invisible power to help us out from this situation
Khasiat zaitun sehingga ada surah at tin...yg menyatakan sumpah tuhan pada zaitun, tin dan demi bukit sinai ...
Khasiat zaitun/Olive
Bnyk khasiat buah zaitun spt ada dinyatakan dlm.quran dan hadis
Ada surah at tin-yg maksudnya tuhan bersumpah demi tin, demi buah zaitun dan demi tursina.....
..... tafsir surah at tin
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
True love is feels after we marry
Marriage can protect us especially woman for the pursuit of holiness ( holiness is : truth way to heaven) .
Love before marriage is about love that is never thinking about baby , (have a child and struggle to take care of our child)
Love before marritage only say love-love, love, never thinking about struggle how to raise a child
Love before marriage look shy to show our weakness
But after marriage all you do between.your couple can't hide.
Bad human attitude
Steal a things that's not belong to us so, we as a human have a same feeling if it's happen, What about we feels if others person steal our own thing that we really love it.
New world today
Its about multiple text, story, information we reads today is it right or wrong, is it good or bad for ourself , our family or everybody .
We read,we know,we apply into our life until one day we know and realize that's our life is ....nothing. ( regret what we choose while we still alive)
After we die no one know what happen to ourself, our soul , ii is like our grandfather, grandmother or anyone who we know already pass away
History already told, no one will live forever.
Life is about a chance, we have a chance to choose want to live happily here and hereafter or not. Human must have a knowledge to success living here also must have a knowledge to success in life hereafter (after die) must go on
Monday, July 16, 2018
About sleep , one important thing for human and other creature
Sleeps, anybody must sleeps especially at night to have more energy for work tomorrow morning, even for we want to PLAY a game like footBALLL , all player must have enough sleep to give player more strength to run, strike, shot the ball or see sharply the ball during a match and make its win for his team.
Sleep is something one of weakness about all creature that's god create include human.
If we cannot sleep example for 3 days or one week, what's happen to our body mental and physical, all human have a same feeling. In high blood pressure sickness , don' t have enough sleeps can make reading high blood pressure high. We feel dizzy.
Anyone who difficult to seep also we call have insomnia sickness
-Honey is the best solution for our problem difficult to sleeps with less cafein or ciggarette intake- how to recognise its pure honey or not is if we take the honey thats can make we more easy to sleep believe it is pure honey and we trust it.
One more mystery information about sleep is until now , people , even scientist cannot describe about sleep, where we going during we sleep
Sleep maybe we can assume it is about rest and our body recharging energy for mental and body to function well, as seem like battery that is supply energy for electrical product ex car, motorcycle, phone, etc. . Also when we sleep its alike our body makes antibody ( new cell recover, rest our stomach), protection from any sickness or disease.
Otherwise bad info about sleep is if we sleep in a long hour, sleep more than 7 hours a day or one day we never wake up, it will become bad to our body , health . This bad habits is can make we'll be obesity. We become lazy to do work, we'll be fat and in a long time we potential to have a disease like diabetic, high blood pressure, high cholestrol etc.
SLeeps is something about we as a human have a weakness , we same as others creature.
If we think wisely looks inside our self, if we know about ourself as human so we will know who create us, we know god. One of beauty and special from god create human is human have many and different beautiful face its different from others creature like elephant ( big) or an ant (small) which are in same shape, same face as like elephant have a long nose
Note ; if we want to know god, firstly we must recognise ourself, recognise with knowledge, know about ourself as human as one creature same like others creature which live in this world . And today we still alive, thank god we still have a time to search a knowledge and follow the truth path.
Sunday, July 15, 2018
Our best hope is from god al the mighty
What ever happened to us,after all effort we do to makeour body tough and healthy lastly we must pray request help from god.all the mighty for the best solution.
Friday, July 13, 2018
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Monday, July 9, 2018
Sketch about what happen around us
Dialogues between husband and wife around midnight 2.00 am about secure and safety around their home (village)
Sunday, July 8, 2018
TAKE CARE our Health
Do we take for granted about what we smell daily like diesel , petrol from vihicle or smell from cement use for construction or smell from chloro some chemical use in detergent
Do we ignore anything what we drink daily. Is it our be cook or not before we drink.
Do we know water that's cooked is better for our health than not cooking water we drink daily: include mineral water (not cook)
Do we take for granted about brush our teeth, brush our teeth daily for 3 times to 5 times daily
It is all about our health if we ignore it, if do not care about this maybe in a long term thats why we can have sickness like leukimia, cancer without we know thats from our always take for granted about sjmple thing like this.
Hope this article will benefit other people outside there
Saturday, July 7, 2018
Honey and olive one salution for sleep disorder
Do we know honey and olive can cure our mental health. When we easy to sleep after we eat this two kind of food, our mental and our physical are more energy to do a work tomorrow morning.
Getting enough sleep is one of important antibodies for our body . If you want feel more easy to sleep especially at night also less intake your coffee.
And if you feel more easy to sleep after eat 1or 2 spoon honey mix with a cup of water its mean that's honey is real honey and be confident.
May this article also can help, benefit who have sleep disorder or insomnia .
My daughter say...
Happy all out there, Hope lives happy with what's already we have and thank God we still alive

Do we know cinnamon and add with one spoon of honey can cure itchy outside our body especially if we have sinusitis disease (resdung) Try it...
Be a different with beauty art and design
Wrote with a peace of mind