Sunday, February 10, 2019

My daughter say...

Happy all out there, Hope lives  happy with  what's already we have and thank God we still alive

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Dream or reality

                                                        Image edit-IT Tech

Friday, February 8, 2019

Image me edit

though it is difficult to survive, but life must goes on, ↵↵Hopefully I'm not↵among the losers in the world and living after death

Physical exercise more mean if....

A strong man is not he strong enough if he is weak in doing the wife's job (woman)
In the daily life of working, helping to carry out other human tasks is also a form of physical exercise
include to win in a sports competition for a sports athlete.
While practicing sports this activity can also benefit the people around us.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Know the truth about ourself , our life, our destiny

Better we believe in God  cause we are something new , we are invisible before we born from our mother (all human coming from her mother)

Better we believe something invisible which create us, all , 

We nothing if we cannot see, no light .That's why angel is created from light 

We in our mother stomach have no light and life before that we don't know.

Better we take attention to all the Al the mighty God warning to human from his messenger

Cause we are weak, we are from invisible. We must believe invisible.

History is invisible 

Looks in the mirror our eyes is so tiny, 

And God ....

God is One and Unique:

God has no partners, no equals and no rivals.

God has no father, mother, sons, daughters or wives.

God alone is worthy of all worship

God is the All-Powerful:

  1. God has full authority and power over all things.
  2. Obedience to God does not increase His Power, nor does disobedience decrease His power.

God is the Most High:

  1. There is nothing above or comparable to God.
  2. The attributes of God do not resemble that of His creation.
  3. No part of God is present in anyone or anything.

    God is Perfect:

    1. God does not have any human limitations, such as resting on the seventh day after He created the universe.
    2. God always maintains attributes of perfection and does not do anything to compromise this perfection such as “becoming a man” as claimed by other religions. God does not do ungodly acts, so if God became man and took on human attributes, he would, necessarily, no longer be God.

    in order to worship God, we have to know Him well otherwise we may form a distorted concept of Him and then go astray. God is nothing like a human being or like anything that we can imagine and he is the only one worthy of worship:

    There is nothing similar to Him } 

Friday, February 1, 2019

Sketch face early year 2019

Hard to think
Hard to do
Hard to survive
Hard to live
Hard to achieve
but sucess is coming from your hard work

Sketch and sketch it again

History on this 3D sketch

The book about the truth about life and nature

3D on 1 Feb 2019

Love other dimension, also we can see after we die.
Better prepare.

This fact is also to remind myself as well

Sketch 3D

It's about 3d , it's about twilight zone, it's about others dimension, it's about we don't ever think of it,
3D is about life before we born.
Life here in earth and
Life after death ( hereafter)
It's about we know and don't know or we take it for granted and we must search a knowledge about 3D.
3 Dimension
for our own sake

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Monday, January 21, 2019

Sketch My daughter

My daughter say :
Hope someday my life is means for others
Benefit for my parents, my family, my friends my nation, my country.
I do a right way, follow a truth paths, do means for others.
I wanted success living here and here after
Peace living here , peace a life hereafter (after die)

Mean for others include for others creature , cause I see one structure of tree can benefit for human and other creature
So why we cannot with a gift from God to us  like two hand, two leg to move, walk, run

Human have a special brain to think of it and search a good know ledge.
(Cause knowledge is about know and about  don't know)

Sunday, January 20, 2019

About time, about life we have here before we die

Time is ;
Yesterday is history,
tomorrow a mystery,
today is a gift,
that's why it's called the present

My family sketch

Care your family
All who see this sketch  include me cannot see  if we not in a peace country, peace district, peace village and of course peace family

How to cure cough, fever, flu and make our body more resistant, attack from any virus

I already use it for my 2 daughter
The Ingredients is:
i) 1 table spoon black seeed/nagella sativa  (habatussauda) put into hot water or boil it (better).Use only 1/2 spoon water of nagella sativa +1/2 table apoon honey +1/2 table spoon olive oil
All this ingredient put into my daughter milk and my daughter feel nice to drink it.(cause I use a small quantity  of olive oil, honey and nagella sativa water)
After 1 week or 5 days  we can see a different
Cough, fever or flu is rarely effect attack my  family
See a different and of course  Nagella Sativa/Black Seed is  function like as  antibody to our body.
It's not regret if we practise and use this natural product.

Thanks for reading

MJ sketch

Sunday, December 23, 2018

My family

Love yourself and your family while living here and hereafter with knowledge

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Happy Birthday ; part of Human life circle

First human born and we greet with Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happu Birthday.
Life always beautiful.
We always forgot where we are coming  from
God give a chance while we alive to search a knowledge, be a good person and hope god guide us and we live  peace here in this world and hereafter (after death)
Our parent hope we will become a good person.
Within a time always move
we always forgot, ignore , don't care about what we do everyday.
We always forgot about good or bad, truth or wrong, know or don't know, life and death, heaven and hell.

Just to think and noted to all reader and to me also


My daughter say...

Happy all out there, Hope lives  happy with  what's already we have and thank God we still alive