Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Better do another way

In our new world today -
       Sport like hiking, football, gaming computer or play playstation among our young people, mostly will effect our country productivity in agriculture, food product, our needy ( without food no life). When one country, one place, one district or village less product in food its will make price of food more exspensive ( high price) cause its make more demand than manufacture, produce (source for our food)
    Don't think more complex, hard thinking , about why our food is more expensive. Its main cause is demand and supply, (output) the  basic one in economy formula why our product is increase in price.
    Please make more idea for more food planting, produce, output for our own sake. Its benefit for ourself, our family, our village, our district, our state, our country, our world .

Monday, July 17, 2017

Cure for sleep problem- (difficult to sleep)

      Maybe many of us don't know and don't ever care about how many hour we sleep daily. If we cannot sleep even for 3 days its can effect our thinking and our mental slowly less normal.

     One solution , one cure for anyone who have problem, difficult to sleep, is eat honey. Pure Honey and mix it with plain water can make easy for us to sleep. Trust or not we must try it first and can see a different.

     If we  have enough and tight sleep especially at night, we can get a good health in physically and mentally.In the morning we wake up with  good mood have an energy to start a work.
Hope this short article can help someone who have a problem, difficult to  sleep.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Punca dan penawar ringkas untuk sakit sembelit

      Sembelit iaitu kesukaran untuk membuang air besar, berpunca dari pemakanan kita.
Antara makanan yg jadi punca sukar buang air besar atau najis kita keras yang  saya tahu ialah ;
   i. Coklat  yg mengandungi koko (pahit) yg anak
      kecil suka makan
  ii. Kopi (pahit)
  iii.Peria (pahit)
kebanyakan makanan yg rasa pahit biasanya akan jadi punca sembelit.
       Coklat koko jika dibiarkan lama di luar pun dan terkena sedikit air  ia akan jadi keras apatah lagi jika berada di dalam perut kita. Boleh nak makan koko atau coklat tapi jangan makan banyak  terutamanya kanak-kanak
     Nak hilangkan sakit sembelit ni, adalah dengan cara memperbanyakkan makan buah- buahan atau sayuran iaitu bahan makanan   berserat yang seolah bertindak sebagai pelincir, melembutkan bahan kumuhan kita.
      Jika anak kecil pula yang hadapi masalah sembelit ini cubalah masukkan setitik atau 2 titik minyak zaitun (buah) ke dalam susu yg dibancuh.
      Banyakkanlah menu buah dan sayuran dalam pemakanan harian kita kerana banyak khasiat mengikut jenis buah dan sayur, dan selain itu ianya juga banyak membantu mengurangkan berat badan.
      Mudah-mudahan artikel ini dapat menambah ilmu pegetahuan dan memberi manafaat kepada semua.


Wrote with a peace of mind


My daughter say...

Happy all out there, Hope lives  happy with  what's already we have and thank God we still alive