This opportunity in conjunction with my 191th publication of my post to my blog, this I want to show a twist. This time I want to tell about beautiful. Just say beautiful words, there must be some glamorous, excited or turn towards and see the beautiful that is revealed. The language is written with a simple spelling of BEAUTIFUL
All human beings create by God want to look beautiful, beautiful in appearance, beautiful body or beautiful in terms of their usage and their perceptions.
We want to look beautiful on what we wear, especially women who want to look more beautiful and attractive by wearing silk clothes, wearing gold chain, diamonds or even
Beautiful in my story here is about beautiful as we humans. Explain that about human who wants to look beautiful and explains human who loves to see the beautiful things. For example if he or she is fat, not beautiful, if skinny, beautiful.If he/she is acne is not beautiful, if the skin look smooth beautiful .If he/she does not have a tooth is not beautiful, if he/she have a white teeth beautiful.
The story of beautiful article can be very much elaborated and if it is to be elaborated it can reach up to hundreds of pages of its length and perhaps this beautiful book is already sold in the market. But its relied heavily on the writers' own efforts to write long, day and night telling about beautiful story.
Beautiful can be seen from another angle of beautiful like language that we speak daily, say or we write with good language include we can read a beautiful story through the order of the sentence of his story.
Beautiful from another angle is seen in the beauty of a car, a beautiful flower blossom and other beautiful things that are in the virtual world of the creators. God.
But this article explains how beautiful humans are, including us who are reading this article.
Are you sure you are beautiful? or you're just joking, pretty, beautiful much needs to be measured by others who see it. It's not that we say we are beautiful and self-shocking, and that's what's called not a real beauty.
With respect also, some say that beautiful is subjective, no measure is according to the eyes of each.who see it.
With regard to one beautiful woman as a sample, if a lot of people say she is beautiful or the majority of the 10 people who are asked whether she is beautiful or not and seven or more people say she is beautiful, she is really beautiful.
About this beautiful we see only the appearance and physical appearance only if we do not recognize it.
The proverb state that's if we do not know then we do not love. There are those who are beautiful but morals in it not, there are those who are not beautiful but good manners.
There are those who are less beautiful but there is something in her that is not owned by others that causes a handful of people to put their hearts in interest.
With regard to the proverbial proverb statement we can see a example as like if we do not know what is the durians or others people who never eat durian then they will see the durian , they know durian only in terms of its prickly, hard and not beautiful appearance, but when packed and tasted the contents of the durian, it tastes good.
That is the one sample about the proverb an unknown term then it is not love. When we know what the durian fruit we know it is a very good fruit eaten.
The important thing here is to know the person or the thing first, then we know the advantages and disadvantages. Not just looking at the beautiful ones.
In the Islamic religion, the hadith of the Holy Prophet states that if you want to choose the mate, choose the beautiful of her, her offspring, her wealth, her religion, but most of all you are married because of your religion (good manner) because you will not lose or regret later.
God's Word; Indeed, human is the best creation of all things,(Beautiful) Compared to the creation of another thing, looks just form like face of ants as it seems same to be with other ants,
like face of the elephant with long nose with anx every elephant has the same nose, same face shape as their fellow. Look , If the tree it have the same structure, if the fish it have the same shape and its head is big.
While the special about human being is he/she was create by god with various of form of perfection. The human being is create by god with various form of beauty, Human being have various form of appearance either from their face appearance or physical appearance
Beautiful is a gift from god and god give many special thing to human .Human with brain and knowledge, human will know the truth and wrong about life.
if someone want sucess in life here , must have a knowledge and if someone want sucess life after death, (hereafter) also he must have a knowledge.
Think about it, think about nature, think about ourself