Thursday, July 26, 2018

Trap at Mysterious place-image

Hello (someine in the picture say), anybody here ? looks like this place is too silent, is it  something wrong with this place?
Or where i'am or i'm dreaming?,
Please let me out of here, where human? where everyone? nobody here?

so if we trap in this situation inside this place occur when we sleep, dream , what will we do ? can we imagine ? no way out from this nightmare dream, 

Or maybe someone. sick  lay in bed  in coma example maybe  for one month and having dream trap like this.

Maybe someone  have an experience  in different situation, differrent way trap like this.

, so may we as a weak creature  must pray and hi ope help from.invisible power to help us out from this situation 


Khasiat zaitun sehingga ada surah at tin...yg menyatakan sumpah tuhan pada zaitun, tin dan demi bukit sinai ...


Khasiat zaitun/Olive

Bnyk khasiat buah  zaitun spt ada dinyatakan dlm.quran dan hadis
Ada surah at tin-yg maksudnya tuhan bersumpah  demi tin, demi buah zaitun dan  demi tursina.....
..... tafsir surah at tin

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

True love is feels after we marry

Marriage can protect us especially woman for the pursuit of holiness ( holiness is : truth way to heaven) .

Love before marriage is about love that is  never thinking about baby , (have a child  and struggle to take care of our child) 

Love before marritage  only say  love-love, love, never thinking about struggle  how to raise a child

Love before marriage look shy to show our weakness
But after marriage all you do between.your couple can't hide. 

Bad human attitude

Steal a things that's  not belong to us so, we  as a human  have   a same feeling if it's happen, What about we feels  if others person steal our own thing that we really love it.

New world today

Its about multiple text, story, information we reads today is it right or wrong, is it good or bad for ourself , our family or everybody .
We read,we know,we apply into our life until one day we know and realize  that's our life is ....nothing. ( regret what we choose while we  still alive)
After we die no one know what happen to ourself, our soul , ii is like our grandfather, grandmother or anyone who we know already pass away
History  already told, no one will live forever.

Life is about a chance, we have a chance to choose want to live happily here and hereafter or not. Human must have a knowledge to success living here also must have a knowledge to success in  life hereafter (after die) must go on

Monday, July 16, 2018

About sleep , one important thing for human and other creature

Sleeps, anybody must sleeps especially at  night to have more energy for work tomorrow morning, even for we want to PLAY a game like footBALLL , all player must have enough sleep to give player more strength to run, strike, shot the ball or see sharply the ball during a match and make its win for his team.

Sleep is something  one of  weakness about all creature that's god create include human.

If we cannot sleep  example for 3 days or  one week, what's happen to our body mental and physical, all human have a same feeling. In high blood pressure sickness , don' t have enough sleeps can make reading high blood pressure high. We feel dizzy.

Anyone who difficult to seep also we call have insomnia sickness

-Honey is the best solution for our  problem difficult to sleeps with less cafein or ciggarette  intake- how to recognise its pure honey or not is if we take the honey thats can make we more easy to sleep believe it is pure honey and we trust it.

One more mystery  information about sleep is until now ,  people , even  scientist cannot describe about sleep, where we going during we sleep

Sleep maybe we can assume it is about rest  and  our body recharging energy for mental and body to function well,  as seem like battery that is supply energy for electrical product ex car, motorcycle, phone, etc. . Also when we sleep its  alike   our body  makes  antibody  ( new cell recover, rest our stomach), protection from any sickness or disease.

Otherwise  bad info about sleep is if we sleep in a long hour,  sleep more than 7 hours a day or one day we never wake up, it will become bad to our body , health . This bad habits is can make we'll be obesity. We become  lazy to do work, we'll be fat and in a long time we potential to have a disease like diabetic, high blood pressure, high cholestrol etc.

SLeeps is something about we  as a human have a  weakness , we same as others creature.
If we think wisely looks inside our self, if we know about ourself as human so we will know who create us, we know  god. One of beauty and special from god create human is  human  have many and different beautiful face its  different from others creature like elephant ( big)  or an ant (small) which are in same shape, same face as like elephant have a long nose

Note ; if we want to know god, firstly we  must recognise  ourself, recognise with knowledge, know about ourself as human as one creature same like others creature which live in this world . And today we still alive, thank god we still have a time to  search a knowledge and follow the truth path.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Our best hope is from god al the mighty

What ever happened to us,after all effort we do to makeour body tough and healthy  lastly we must pray request help from god.all the mighty for the best solution.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Sketch about what happen around us

Dialogues between husband and wife around midnight 2.00 am about secure and safety around their home (village)

Sunday, July 8, 2018

TAKE CARE our Health

Do we take for granted about what we smell daily like diesel , petrol from vihicle or smell from cement use for construction or smell from chloro some chemical use in detergent

Do we ignore anything what we drink daily. Is it our be cook or not before we drink.
Do we know water that's cooked is better for our health than not cooking water we drink daily: include mineral water (not cook)


Do we take for granted about brush  our teeth, brush our teeth daily for 3 times to 5 times daily

It is all about our health if we ignore it, if do not care about this maybe in a long term  thats why we can have sickness like leukimia, cancer  without we know thats from our always take for granted about sjmple thing like this.

Hope this article will benefit other people outside there

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Sketch from me

Simply do it

Health issue and cure

Take care our brain- special gift from god

Honey and olive one salution for sleep disorder

Do we know honey and olive can cure our mental health. When we easy to sleep after we eat this two kind of food, our mental and our physical are more energy to do a work tomorrow morning.
Getting enough sleep is one of important antibodies for our body . If you want feel more easy to sleep especially at night also less intake your coffee.
And if you feel more easy to sleep after eat 1or 2 spoon honey mix with a cup of water its mean that's honey is real honey and be confident.

May this article also  can help, benefit who  have sleep disorder or insomnia .

Fantastic football style

Do not try do this at home


My daughter say...

Happy all out there, Hope lives  happy with  what's already we have and thank God we still alive