If we eat or want to take honey and goat milk as suplement food, we must aware that this food is hot, we feel not comfartable when we take it in large amount.
So if we want to give to our son for healing his disease ,give it in small amount but take it regularly.
Hope this noted can help, benefit someone outside there who have some disease that's hard to cure.
Ilmu pengetahuan ialah satu anugerah istimewa kpd manusia berbanding dgn makhluk tuhan yg lain. Cuma manusia perlu berusaha utk mendapatkannya./////// Knowledge is a special gift to human beings compared to other god creature Only humans need to work to get it.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Continue noted about honey and goat milk
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My daughter say...
Happy all out there, Hope lives happy with what's already we have and thank God we still alive

Do we know cinnamon and add with one spoon of honey can cure itchy outside our body especially if we have sinusitis disease (resdung) Try it...
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