terutamanya untuk daya penglihatan mata pada waktu malam.
Cuba dan makan untuk ketahui jelas dan yakininya
Ilmu pengetahuan ialah satu anugerah istimewa kpd manusia berbanding dgn makhluk tuhan yg lain. Cuma manusia perlu berusaha utk mendapatkannya./////// Knowledge is a special gift to human beings compared to other god creature Only humans need to work to get it.
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Motorbike feel the power
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Box say ; if anyone dare to enter this mystery box, please welcome and enter it with full of knowledge about life after death.
Think about our waste from our stomach. We as a human , after we fart and our waste all out and it still be like a soil like other creature or animal . Its mean we human have a weakness see it carefully we are not a greatest one.
God say we, human is better than other creature cause human have a brain. Can conquere everything with his brain and knowledge.
We eat all food to have energy but human waste its still out is like a soil . Our waste not be like a diamond, gold or even steel thats get out from our back anal.
Think it , search knowledge and don't drown in our own ego.
A truly beautiful wife not only on his face good looking but see it also from our wife manner.
A truly beautiful wife from his husband eyes is :
The wife is trying to keep her dignity even in the absence of her husband.
Our mind said it is true,but our lust or desire say its no?
2 Different point of view, one from our good mind thinking and one is from our lust or never end desire. So if we want go to a peace one, happy one, go to heaven please choose decision we make from our holy heart, clean heart.
See and ask someone who just right now do not have one of his body part like as do not have one right hand or lost one of his finger, ask the patient .what's he feel
Someone who intelligent take a lesson from his disability from lost one of his legs, please ask him and get his opinion about what his feeling when one of his leg lost, that he is before from kid and growth up he have it.
We can see it around us someone who have a full perfect body part from his child age till his young and tough age, he is like drowning in his amazing ego tough body, he don't even thinks how its feel when one of his body part is lost ex lost from accident, from falling down or etc thats can hits human body part.
We also can see it disability from other creature like cat or chicken when its don't have one leg, missing or lost ex from accident .
We can see it how this disability animal try so hard to survive for his life.
We must thank god what we have now if we have a full body part. And we must know why god give it to human thats have a dpecial brain and using it with a proper manner.
Brain make human special than others creature, human can conquere everything but think of it don't use it for a bad purpose before it's too late
Think , thought, thank with knowledge we see and know ourself as a human.
Man in the picture said; I know my limit, i know i cannot fly up higher to the sky like a bird. We can learn it from history of human or person from the past, never ever human can fly like a bird. I know human limit.
For example when human, he or she driving a sport powerfull engine car.Human who drive it, feels like he or she is be a part of iron or steel structure of that,'s sport car.
Although many people already know that's when accident happen human body is not tough like a steel or iron.
That's why we call it (above; habit human story) is one of example about human temper, human ego habit, that 's he or she is not even want to learn a lesson from bad thing already happen from others who still alive or already pass away.
(An intelligent person always learn from others person. One bad story, bad accident, bad thing that's already happen to others person, he take a lesson and will try do not happened to himself or to his family)
Human must know his limit.
One most powerfulman also can see his limit from his eyes and see it from other person. The powerful man if he is a wise man, he will realize that he also have two tiny hole eyes, not his whole body have an eye that make he can see up, behind,down in a same time.
Please know the limit and we will think why we be create by god not to be arrogant, not to be thankful ( if we right now have a perfect body or not sick, god remind human don't do anything bad to others person or even animal. Not to be arrogant when we have a power or do anything bad to others.We drown in our own ego as like as we feel like we wll not be sick someday or die someday.
Even right now or today if we be call by human around us the specialist doctor ever exit in our country or our region, try not to be arrogant , cause he or she although as a specislist doctor but someday he or she still will be sick or injury sometime or someday in his life.
So try not to be arrogant to others person or even an animal while we have a power and still alive.
Think of it. Hope this massage benefit for us as a human who still alive in this world
Human, if he or she wanted to see him or she is a weakness creature, we must see through another person.
When human, he or she drowning in his own pleasure he have, ego he have, the power already he got in his soul, he can't see indide himself as a human a weakness.
The truly truth is human is like others creature, only have 2 tiny eyes, 2 small hand, 2 small leg. If only one of this pair human body cannot move or sick , we know we not as powerful as we thought.
Why any university in this world or in malaysia not try push his student do a research about a new tester ( sugar in the blood) for diabetic thats not even using strip to know how much sugar in our blood that benefit so many patient diabetic out there.
Why any university in this world or in Malaysia not try push his student do research about how we can use resource energy like solar power for benefit for our village, district, country, region.
Why our university always look and see improvement technology especially only about.handphone, car, buliding structure .
And many university in this world and Malaysia not even wanted try to create a research that is differented from we use today.
Some university also just do a research and his thesis only cannot read or do not understand by many people outside there.
Why , why , why we have a university and have so many student tjats have a master degree, phd but its .......not benefit to others
Human have two choice while he or she live in this world. Choose bad or good, choose wrong or truth way, choose wanna or don't wanna thinking about life, god and human, choose wanna search a knowledge or don't wanna. Its all pair god create like as night and day, man and female, good and bad, heaven and hell, truth or wrong.
Must think and search a knowledge if we want's to success in our life here and hereafter so if we got a good or truth knowledge we truly can be an intelligent person that having a peace and calm heart.
Then its will be benefit for ourself, our family, our village, our district and our country also when majority oeople have a piece of mind it's also will benefit the whole world.
Thank to person , individual , man or woman who do not drunk take alcohol, taking drug or even hard smokers. Its seem like this thing is bad to human, we in drunk, can lost our mind, our brain cannot think wisely.
If we are a man, a husband in our family , if we drunk anything bad action can happen, action we take after we back home can effect our son, our wife , anyone near us.
This is just one simple situation why some religion ban to alcohol, drug that can make we lost our mind .any bad action can happen and all human know that, but cause we addict to it, we try to ignore a bad thing about this.
Think it for own sake... for our family, our village, our district, our country and for all, that we already know this thing , if we think wisely its too bad for our life.
( Noted; what we must aware or be cautious is a drinking tin or bottle water that we buy at shop, its label ingredient do not put word alcohol on it but a real one is its still put an alcohol into that drinking water. So beware not all label is true. For our own sake - alcohol or any thing thats can make we drunk is bad for us)
Its one of the most important thing in our daily life to brush our teeth 3 to 5 times a day or after we take a food.
Before we have toothache, it's better we take a cautious about our teeth, we all have a bad feeling when we have a toothache. It's pain effect our eyes sight and brain (mental), so that's why before we got others sickness effect from toothache, better from now we take care our teeth carefully.
For our own sake.
I hope this book will give me a clue, although its letter, its writing is blurred and it's hard to read.
I hope that ball do not fall down on me while i climbing this tree and try to pick it.
This all happen cause i love football
In our new world today outside there have many handphone we can choose an expensive one or a cheap ones. We can choose an expensive smart handphone but if we don't have enough knowledge how to use it, its alike we give this smart handphone to one kid, he only know how to play a game.
Right now a cheap smart handphone also have many multiple function that's we can explore new technology inside there if we know how to use it properly.
All human are same, even if you are a buddhist, you are hindus, you are a christian, you are a jews, ethies or Muslim, we all human are same, have one heart, have a brain to think, have an eye to see, have two tiny hole nose gift from god to take a fresh air , breath in and out everyday without end until we die.
All human have a family even if we are not marry we still have a parent, brothers and sisters.
While we live with our family from baby born until just now that's we can read a book or this article, we as a human which can thinking wisely we can question or asking ourself are we never have a quarrel with our family, our parents, brother or our sister since we live until now?
Some quarrel occur maybe cause its about something we misunderstanding or don't argue among our family and this bad situation sometimes can happen a murder or kill each other.
Is this action still we call it a good manner cause we are in one religion we believe only the truth religion?
Any believer even if we are a christian, jews,muslim-islam, buddhist, hindus, ethies or do not trust god all human are same have a good and a bad manner. Its all depend on us if we have a knowledge we can control the bad attitude or manner in our body. Only we, ourself can control this, an angel attitude or devil attitude in our belonging body.
We can control it with our religion knowledge, science knowledge or with a wise thinking (unless we drunk, drink alcohol or drug addict that can make our mental not in normal wiseman or intelligent person don't take this thing)
So if we as a father in our family have a son or daughter, or we as a boss in our working place have a staff worker or we as a leader in our country have a people to lead, please don't judge him.or her because he or she professed one religion we as a leader cannot accept it.We hate ll what he or she doing. Its exactly not a wise decision. Think it wisely .
A conclusion is we are not perfect even we are a parents ( sill do a sins, bad manner, bad attitude ) who always try to teach be perfect to our children.
(This article is just my opinion and hope this article can benefit many others life that struggle to live peacefull with his family outside there.
This article is wrote to make notice to myself too that's also not perfect. Thank god i'm still alive )
Living In new world today, new modern world, our technology, our knowledge, our capacity to go and arrive to the moon and other planet is more advance and we human maybe one day can sucess to arrive first time in others planet as like planet Mars.
But if we thinking wisely, carefully are we as a human already have enough knowledge about life after death or a simple knowledge about a little thing similar about death such as a dream.
We all human know every human have one chance in his life to live. One life for every human from past year until now.
We all as a human know if even we can arrive in others planet we truly will be die too, all human never and cannot escape from death.
If human is clever, wise, intelligent firstly human must do a research about human death, life after death, life here after. Human that's truly too intelligent is always think about death. (God said.)
( While we here and before we don't know we are coming from, before we born we are in blank, dark,don't have a light through us we can't see and think. All human like this even our father or grand father is like this. We are human must do, must search a knowledge to know detail about that. )
( God give to human is about pair , one life -one death, one bad attitude - one good attitude, one night - one day, one left hand - one right hand, devil-angel, hell-heaven so while we live in here (world) we have a chance to choose it good or bad, heaven or hell, right way or wrong way), Every human can choose it
even he's namely Muslim or non muslim ( occur In Muslim family too even between among his brother quirrel even killing each other ex cause greed about money, property already story be told by past year and until now still occur this tragedy - the main cause because that's muslim family do not have enough knowldedge about his faith, about good and bad things that already told by god) he must search a knowledge
Everyone, every human can think and choose want do a good thing or bad thing in one life, right path or wrong path and god already promise will give heaven (for a good thing who do it in life in truth path) or hell (for a bad thing who do it life in wrong path )
( Everyone is not perfect even our parents do a sins we all human can have a chance to be forgiven by god if we in truth path, right path.Don't ever argue about this human conflict, human attitude even he is a teacher, prof, motivation expert or anyone who thinks he is inteligent or perfect)
Can cure and heal your fever, don't open your fan, don'open your aircond just get your blanket with your thick shirt and go to sleep. Just try it and you can see a result.
Maybe this situation like this happened among us.
So what shall we do , we cannot just only hope and do nothing. So if situation like this happen, wake up and do something, do action to benefit for ourself our family,our society, our country.
In our world today It is enough we as human been kill, die by a natural disaster as like hurricane, big flood or etc.
If we create a war among us , its look like more human will be suffering sickness and die here in this human place (earth).
Think and beware every choice , every decision we made especially a leader.
Think about it, God give chance only one life for every human.
A true love is exit, happen, we feel after we marry. The true love is really exit after we must struggle to give true love to our wife, our son, our whole family.
Our wife, we trust her when we not at home. She always take care his status as a our wifeShe always trust his husband and give a true love only for his husband.
Love while we stiil a couple do not think or struggle to take care our son .
And we all know that we also born because of love between our parent. So that why from a love we exit here. So we must love other when we grow up.
In this new world today , in this new era millineum today, not many of human today believe or trust thing that we cannot see, example like we cannot see
what is really happen after we die
Where are we before we exit, born.
Or Do we trust an angel.
Do we trust god that we cannot see
Beyond our imagine
Our modern knowledge is not teach or try to confident knowledge about beyond our seesight, thing we cannor see,
Anybody is fool, because noone is know everything about god create in this world.
If one doctor health, medical learn about human body , he maybe do not learn about how to build a bulding.
We must always learn about something new, always learn, search a knowledge for ourself so its also brndfit to us,(also not easy to cheat by someone)
We maybe clever about something we read, learn but maybe we fool about something we do not read or learn.
So we better do not proud what's already we have, we know, we learn cause noone is know everything thats tbing exit in this word.
One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself
One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated
Except if u take an alcohol in drunk.
Your brain is not like a normal ones.
So please beware about do a message , sent a mad message while you in mad or drunk.
One action we do or behave sometimes makes we regret for a long times.
Think it.
Support my art and better content and image will be add. Thank you.
This is just my hobby and hope everyone happy viewing my blog and see my effort to make a uniq,stylish art and design
My blog also content about search a knowledge for a better life.
Try the best and just do it with a knowledge.
Wise man, inteligent man know they can't live forever. We see, inteligent man see his father, his grand father or his mother all human will die.
Our two tiny hole eyes is tell all about our weakness , we same others creature that's also have two tiny holes eyes that the light can go through it and our eyes receive the light and we can see ,perfect what ever infront us.
The truth is among us human, have somone who behave or feel alike he or she will not die,( close his two eye) and don't wanna think what will happen next after die.
We human are different from other creature which also have two tiny hole eyes.
Or we are different from other creature which are alive like a tree which don't have an eye to see but tree is alive creature.
If tree have a mouth and can speak , tree will tell to human that human you have many gift from god not like us, a tree.
Tree said , a tree cannot move, a tree have many branches but cannot move like human hand.
A tree cannot speak if he feel sick or wanna something good or a tasty food from this earth , a tree cannot have. Its different from human that's can have all, can have anything from this earth.
And tree if he can speak, he will told to human ;
Hey you human you have many advantage, human you is be create too special by god and have many special thing from god that we other creature don't have.
Tree said ; I feel sad cause still have among you human , don't want to think or take a lesson around you and still have among you behave like you are not have many special thing from god. Still some human or many human do not want thank god.
See it, hear it, read it, feel it and think it before our mouth cannot move, cannot eat, taste good food or drink. . Think it before too late , before our two eyes can't open forever.Think it before we die and while we still alive we do a good thing to nature, we search a knowledge, take a lesson around us and hope god will lead us through a straight ( truth ) way.
Live peace here and hereafter.
Do we know to improve our skill reading in any language is we must always read in that language we want to learn or master it
Do we know to improve our skill writing in any language is we must always write in that language we want to learn or master it.
Do we know to improve our skill speaking in any language is we must always speak kn that language we want to learn or master it.
Even we want to master it in our native language ( always use and spoken) lwe cannot have a skill for writing if we do not always do writing.
Maybe we have a skill of speaking and reading only. If we always or love read a book why not we do a writing too.
Hope this noted can give a benefit for who want to learn and improve his language skill.
Children, a baby, new born , new creature our son, small kitten or etc new born creature why they behave like that.
They want's try something new that why his parent scold , don't do that. Our son doing something he or she want to know what happen if he or she do that.
Also why they want be active, our son when he in good health he become active. They feel what effect him.after they doing something.
Now we become older why we don't try something new, new idea in out life but its must be with our wise thinking, do it with our best knowledge, also we must do active like our son and do it with our wise thinking and our best knowledge
Think nature and think wise about happened around us
Always think the best for our life here and hereafter (after die)
If we eat or want to take honey and goat milk as suplement food, we must aware that this food is hot, we feel not comfartable when we take it in large amount.
So if we want to give to our son for healing his disease ,give it in small amount but take it regularly.
Hope this noted can help, benefit someone outside there who have some disease that's hard to cure.
Do we know cinnamon and add with one spoon of honey can cure itchy outside our body especially if we have sinusitis disease (resdung)
Try it and can feel a different
Happy all out there, Hope lives happy with what's already we have and thank God we still alive