Thursday, September 28, 2017

The book of life

Human have two choice while he or she live in this world. Choose bad or good, choose wrong or truth way, choose wanna or don't wanna thinking about life, god and human, choose wanna search a knowledge or don't wanna. Its all pair god create like as night and day, man and female, good and bad, heaven and hell, truth or wrong.

Must think and search a knowledge  if we want's to success in our life here and hereafter  so if we got a good or truth knowledge we truly can be  an intelligent person that having a  peace and calm heart.

Then its will be benefit for ourself, our family, our village, our district and our country also when majority oeople have a piece of mind it's also will benefit the whole world.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Graphic art imagination

Great stand structure

Think it wisely for peace, calm , having happy family

Thank to person , individual , man or woman who do not drunk take alcohol, taking drug or even hard smokers.  Its seem like this thing is bad to human, we in drunk,  can lost our mind, our brain cannot think wisely.

If we are a man, a husband in our family , if we drunk anything bad action can happen, action we take after we back home can effect our   son, our wife , anyone near us.

This is just  one simple situation why some religion ban to alcohol, drug that can make we lost our mind .any bad action can happen and all human know that, but cause we addict to it, we try to ignore a bad thing about this.

Think it for own sake... for our family, our village, our district, our country and for all, that we already know this thing , if we think wisely its too bad for our life.

( Noted; what we must aware or be cautious  is a drinking tin or bottle water that we buy at shop, its label ingredient do not put word alcohol on it  but  a real one is its still put an alcohol into that drinking water. So beware not all label is true. For our own sake - alcohol or any thing thats can make we drunk is bad for us)

art line color

Calm and peace


My daughter say...

Happy all out there, Hope lives  happy with  what's already we have and thank God we still alive