Saturday, July 15, 2017

Its about pair

See around us, god create a pair.
Day - night

See, think and learn  around us from our nature
So we must marry between man and woman. (Pair).

Friday, July 7, 2017

We same as (ljke) other creature

        Look at us, inside, outside and around us, others creature we and animal are a creature like fish, cat, tiger, ant, bird.
        We have only two small eyes infront not behind or all around our head .We can see only with pair of our eyes.
        So we are be create.We are something new here.We like other , we born  from our mother and we call it baby. Baby cat, baby bird, baby fish or etc like us, human we are a creature.
       Anyone who know himself will know who create himself, nature or others creature.
That is something must be a greatest one and is  something most powerful power and something not a a same likes his creation. Cannot be seen but to think, to know the truth about life we must have a knowledge about the truth way, truth faith.
       So we must learn, think  and search the truth knowledge about our life. Its can make we more calm , peace and happy living here and afterward, hereafter.
If we do a bad thing like cheating your freind, stealing from somebody, or love to killing somebody , please dont think in mind that we are so big or powerful cause like above statement we only a small creature like others be create from god, thats only have two small hole eyes.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Create it

Sometimes  someone   who don't want to do some bussiness, job or  ,thing  cause that thing is  not a easy ones to make or do it. That's why we can success in our bussiness, work or life if we try the best and only we  can do it.
See  example like Bill Gates do a something diffeence or Steven Speilberg director film, or like a singer Micheal Jackson create a lyric or song melody difference from others and he's success.
Do a something difference and don't just do something that  someone already do it.
Apply it in ur bussiness, work or etc in your daily life. Try it maybe at first its feel hard, after repeatly we do it properly its can be easily.

All the difference we want to make it in our daily life, we must apply jt with knowledge... we see it around us, learn it around us and think it around us

We are human that is something new one here live in this world.

We see it others creature, nature others living around us also die,our father, mother, our grand mother even  child new baby born can also die.
So why we hardly  thinking about wanted  go to other planet ? Even If we can go there, we also will die.
So why not we thinking about die, no one ever wake up and told to  experience about a life after death.
We must prepare a life hereafter.
We must

We must
Cause we all are inteligent person to think it.


My daughter say...

Happy all out there, Hope lives  happy with  what's already we have and thank God we still alive